

Denis I. Kuznetsov
D.Sc. (eng), Associate Professor, Vice-Rector of Research of SMTU
e-mail: kuznetsov@corp.smtu.ru


He was born on February 3, 1980 in Livny, Orel region, in a family of employees. In 1997, he graduated from the Nakhimov Naval College in St. Petersburg. In 2002, he graduated with honors from the Naval Institute with a degree in "Minesweeping and Minesweeping armament of surface ships" with the qualification of an engineer in automatic control systems for marine equipment.

Candidate of Technical Sciences (2010), Associate Professor (2015), Doctor of Technical Sciences (2018).

From 2002 to July 2011, he served as a junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher, head of the research laboratory of SIC BTS 12 of the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Since September 2011, he has been an associate professor and professor at the Military Training Center at St. Petersburg State Technical University.

Since 2018, he has been the head of the Scientific and Educational Department of IVO SPbGMTU.

Since May 2020, he has been the Head of the Department of Design and Production Technology of Marine Underwater Vehicles and Robots of the FMP.

From 2022 to 2023 – Dean of the Faculty of Marine Instrumentation.

Since May 2023 – Vice-Rector for Scientific Work  

Teaching activities:

Conducts disciplines on the design and operation of marine equipment.

Scientific work:

In the period from 2002 to 2011, he was engaged in the substantiation of requirements, as well as the development and testing of Navy products.

Currently, he is actively involved in research work. His research interests include the development of a methodology for substantiating the requirements for the military technical system "marine equipment - control and verification equipment", as well as the development of TTZ and prototypes of promising samples of control and verification equipment for conducting inspections of marine equipment.

From 2015 to 2017, he was responsible for comprehensive research and development for Concern – MPO Gidropribor JSC, as a result of which the theoretical foundations of a new approach to inspections of marine equipment were developed, as well as a software and hardware control system for marine equipment was patented and created, which was approved by the leadership of the Navy.

In 2017, he won the competitive selection of scientific projects carried out by research teams of research centers and (or) scientific laboratories of educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Project No. 8.3133.2017/PM "Substantiation of requirements for the main characteristics of the information and measurement system of parameters of non-contact equipment of a promising uninhabited underwater vehicle" for 2017-2019.

Professional achievements:

In the period from 2014 to 2019, he created three laboratories at SPbGMTU, which he heads:

- Scientific Research Laboratory of "Software and Hardware control systems for Marine equipment" (profile: development of marine equipment control systems and creation of educational software and methodological complexes for training specialists operating Navy equipment);

- Educational and Scientific Laboratory of "Technical means of ensuring the safety of offshore oil and gas facilities";

- Laboratory for prototyping marine technology (development of students' skills in modeling, design and training to work on modern digital equipment).

In 2018, he created the Authorized Training Center "ASKON – SPbGMTU" at St. Petersburg State Technical University, which successfully trains students and specialists of external organizations in additional professional education programs aimed at gaining knowledge of digital modeling and design in Compass-3D CAD.

In 2022, within the framework of the PSAL "Priority 2030", he created and directs the Educational Laboratory "Technologies of instrument Engineering and production of underwater vehicles".

Within the framework of the Advanced Engineering School, he created and directs the Scientific and Educational Laboratory "Digital Measuring Systems and Technologies of underwater Robotics".


Executive secretaries


Vladimir O. Kozhemyakin
Nikita V. Tryaskin
Ph.D.(eng), assistant professor

 Alexandra D. Egorova




Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Editorial Board Address: Russian Federation, 190121, Saint Petersburg, ul. 3 Lotsmanskaya Str, lit. A, office. 349

Address for correspondence: Russian Federation, 190121, Saint Petersburg, ul. 3 Lotsmanskaya Str., lit. A, office. 349

Phone: +7 (952) 266-52-88

E-mail: journal@smtu.ru

Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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Phone: 8 (952) 266-52-88
Email: journal@smtu.ru