Authors are kindly asked to send a folder containing an electronic version of the article, prepared in MS Word, a copy of the article in PDF format and figures (requirements for figures in section 2.1.) to the journal editorial office by e-mail:
The article should have a structure that includes:
Examples of the layout, the order of sections, examples of references according to State Standard, examples of figures, formulas and tables can be found in the attached file.
The format used is B5, font Times New Roman, font size 10.5, line spacing 1.0. Left margin 20 mm, right margin 15 mm, remaining margins 10 mm.
The main text, abstract, keywords, author information, list of references are aligned to the width of the text. Section/sub-section titles, articles as well as authors and organizations are left-aligned.
1.1. Article title
The title of a research paper should be no more than 10-12 words, clearly reflecting the content of the paper.
The following general guidelines should be followed when choosing a title for an article:
1.2. Annotation and key words
The abstract should contain a 160-word summary of the scientific content of the article: subject matter, purpose of the work, method or methodology of the work, brief description of the experiment, results obtained, recommendations for their application. The essential purpose of the abstracts in Russian and English should be the same.
Keywords should express the information presented in the article. The total number of keywords is at least 5 and no more than 15. Key words are listed separated by commas.
1.3. Introduction
In the introduction it is necessary to present a meaningful statement of the subject under consideration, to briefly analyze the solutions known from the scientific literature (with references to sources), to criticize their shortcomings, to show the scientific novelty and the advantage(s) of the proposed approach.
1.4. Main text
The main body of the article should present a clear statement of the problem to be considered, outline and explain the findings and conclusions, and present the results of the research. The main body of the article should be divided into informative sections.
The main text with sub-headings, formulas, tables, illustrations and captions should be no less than 8 pages and no more than 12 pages.
The titles of the sections are typed in bold, straight and left-aligned type, with no full stops at the end of the section names. The titles of the subsections are typed in italics, left-aligned and without full stops at the end of the subsection titles.
1.5. Conclusion
The conclusion should summarize the main results, comment on them and, if possible, indicate areas for further research and applications.
1.6. Acknowledgements and funding
Authors may acknowledge people and organizations who have contributed to the publication of the article in the journal but are not the authors, as well as indicate the source that funded the research.
1.7. List of references
The list of references must be made in accordance with State Standard R7.0.100-2018 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for writing". References in the text of the article (not to be confused with the list of references!) are made according to State Standard R7.0.5-2008 "Bibliographic References". It is recommended that a unified reference list be submitted for the entire paper.
Not abbreviated: titles in all fields of description, names of places of publication (cities). All data in the bibliographic description can be presented in complete detail.
The list of references shall be formatted in accordance with State Standard R7.0.100-2018. The list of references must contain at least 8 references, at minimum 5 must be at least 10 years old. If the publication has a doi identifier, this shall be indicated at the end of the reference.
1.8. Transliterated list of references
The list of references should also be in the Roman alphabet (Latin alphabet), that is, transliterated, (transliteration is the letter-by-letter rendering of a text written using the Russian alphabet by means of the Latin alphabet), the list of references in other languages should be given in the original language.
1.9. Authors' information
The information concerning the authors should be in the following form. All authors are listed first in Russian, then in English.
Surname, first name, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, work address (in the format 190121, St. Petersburg, ul. Lotsmanskaya, 3), e-mail: ___________, AuthorID*: ____________.
Name P. Surname, academic degree, academic title, post, place of work, work place address (ex: Lotsmanskaya, 3, St. Petersburg, 190121, Russian Federation), e-mail: ___________, AuthorID: ____________.
* - AuthorID is mandatory when submitting an article
Automatic referencing and automatic numbering of formulas/tables/drawings are not allowed in the text.
2.1. Drawing design
Pictures are accepted in *.png format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Drawings are presented in black and white only. When submitting an article, it is important to have figures with captions in the text of the article as well as in separate files. The file name of the figure should correspond to the figure number in the article. The drawings should have a caption (example: Figure 1 - Figure title). Please note that there is no dot at the end of the caption. The presence of captions is required, even if the figure comes immediately after the reference to it in the text. Captions should not be inserted into the body (object) of the drawing. All pictures should be referenced in the text. References should be written without abbreviations "figure 5"; do not write " fig. 5". The figures are numbered throughout the text of the article.
Pay attention to the font used in the diagrams/graphs in the text of the article, this should match the main font of the article (Times New Roman, 10.5)
2.2. Formula presentation
Formulas are typed in the MathType editor (set font size to 10 pt.). The use of Microsoft Word's integrated formula editor is undesirable. It is unacceptable to use letters of the Russian alphabet when writing formulas. Letters of the Latin and Greek alphabets may be used.
The decimal separator is a dot.
Small formulas, symbols and notations are typed without using a formula editor according to tables 1,2 of file.
No tables with invisible borders may be used when writing formulas. Use a tab to enter the formula number. Punctuation marks are not placed after the formula. It is inappropriate to list several formulas separated by commas and give them a common number. A number is given to each formula or system of equations.
2.3. Layout of tables
The tables must be titled. The numbering is continuous throughout the text of the article. It is required to refer the tables in the text, even if the table is located in the text directly after the mention of the table. References should be written as "Table 5" without abbreviations; do not write " Tab. 5". The presence of measurement units is required (e.g: V, В). If all values in a table are measured in the same units, they can be specified in the table header or in the table caption.
Before: "Proceedings of LKI"