Editorial policy


The Journal publishes articles covering results obtained in the following fields: mechanical engineering, energy and electrical engineering, information technology and telecommunications.

The mission of the Journal is to provide an opportunity for specialists working in these fields to exchange ideas and the results of their research with the potential for practical application.


The editorial board of the Journal "SMTU Transactions” strives to maintain the traditions of Russian scientific publications and at the same time to promote modern methods and topics of research. The Journal's publication goals also include:

  • Making the exchange of accumulated knowledge and professional experience between researchers more accessible;
  • promoting interdisciplinary research at the contemporary world level;
  • development of international scientific cooperation.

The Editorial Board accepts for review papers on the subject of the journal that have not been published elsewhere and that present new scientific results obtained personally by the author(s) of the paper. Articles of leading national and foreign scientists, written on the materials of their reports, are also published by decision of the editorial board and with the consent of the organizing committees of the conferences held at SMTU.

The Editorial Board accepts for publication articles by both Russian and foreign authors, as well as in collaboration of Russian and foreign specialists working on joint projects.


The Journal is intended for both early career and experienced researchers in Russia and abroad who are seeking to contribute to the development of fundamental and applied fields of science.


A high level of scientific publications is maintained by a system of reviewing all articles, allowing for the identification of papers containing significant scientific findings that take into account the current experience of domestic and foreign scientists and are of interest to the scientific community. The reviewers are specialists in the scientific fields of the Journal.

After the review is completed, the author receives a written text of the review and a copy of the manuscript with the reviewer's and the scientific editor's comments for revision. When an article is published, the dates of receipt and acceptance for publication are indicated. 

The Editorial Board has the right to refuse an article to be published on the basis of the results of peer review, non-compliance of the article material with the subject of the Journal, as well as the unsatisfactory quality of the submitted materials.


The Journal includes sections on scientific, engineering and technological advances that have the potential for application in shipbuilding.

Mechanical engineering:

  • Ship theory and structural mechanics
  • Ship engineering and design
  • Shipbuilding, ship maintenance and management of shipbuilding production
  • Ship power plants (major and minor)
  • product quality management. Standardization. Manufacturing process organization.
  • mechanical engineering technology
  • Robotics, mechatronics and robotics systems
  • welding, related processes and technology

Energy and electrical engineering:

  • electrical systems and equipment
  • Turbo machines and reciprocating engines

Information technologies and telecommunications

  • System analysis, management and information processing
  • Automation and control of technological processes and manufacturing plants
  • computer modelling and design automation
  • computer science and information processes
  • management in organizational systems
  • Information protection methods and systems, information security

Articles are accepted and published in Russian.

Submitted contributions must correspond to the following requirements:

  • relevance of the topic,
  • scientific originality of the research
  • Innovative nature of the research problem and the research methods used,
  • A high degree of scientific and practical relevance of the results obtained.

The Editorial Board is directed by the following guidelines the principles of Journal ethics. The Editorial Board decides on the order and schedule of publishing papers based on their scientific relevance, the subject matter of each issue, and the quality of the preliminary preparation of manuscripts.

The Journal accepts articles from any author, of any nationality and with any degree, who has not published previously and is not intended for publication in other journals at the same time.

Articles for publication in the Journal are accepted on an ongoing basis.  All submissions must be made in accordance with Requirements.


The Journal has a policy of providing maximum accessibility to published materials. The published material can be found on the Journal's website, on the platform The Scientific Digital Library Elibrary

The publisher bears all costs of production and publication of the Journal. Authors are not charged for publishing, editing and printing articles. There is no review fee. No royalties are paid.

When reproducing materials published in the Journal " Papers of St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University" in other editions, reference to the Journal is mandatory.

It is permitted to use the personal material published in the Journal for informational, scientific, educational or cultural purposes in accordance with Articles 1273 and 1274 of Ch. 70 IV of the Russian Civil Code. Other usage of materials is only possible after concluding appropriate written agreements with the editorial board.

Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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190121, г. Санкт-Петербург,
ул. Лоцманская, д. 3, литера А
аудитория 349
Phone: 8 (952) 266-52-88
Email: journal@smtu.ru