UDK: 629.563.82


Мелконян А. Л., Бабанин Н. В., Титова Ю. Ф.

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Article language: английский


The basis of the engineer’s activity is the modeling of mechanical processes occurring in the natural environment and in the world of technology. At the same time, the developed models, on the one hand, should be the simplest, and on the other hand, they would reflect the ongoing processes with sufficient accuracy for practice. It is obvious that obtaining the values of the parameters of motion (or equilibrium) of interest to us, is not possible without the use of mathematical methods, which, if chosen incorrectly, can lead to a significant discrepancy between the calculation results and the behavior of a real object. The goal of this work is the formulation of recommendations, the implementation of which will lead to the construction of more optimal (the simplest, but sufficiently correct) models and computational algorithms. In the work an analysis of the processes of deformation and movement of mechanical systems is performed for several tasks that are quite typical for engineering activities, the features that take place are identified, recommendations are formulated for the design of mathematical models for these tasks, as well as algorithms for calculating the parameters of ongoing processes. Particular attention was paid to the control of simulation accuracy.
Keywords: mathematical model, calculation algorithm, process parameters, simulation accuracy control, stability compliance


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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