UDK: 378.016


Вишневский Л. И., Тогуняц А. Р.

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Article language: английский


The report provides comparative calculated data of the efficiency of coaxial propellers in comparison with single propellers (FPPs). It contains a scheme for the design calculation of coaxial propulsion devices by using the hydrodynamic test diagrams of single FPPs and their hydrodynamic calculation at intermediate travel speeds. Basing on the calculated data, it is shown that coaxial propellers are signifi cantly more effi cient in terms of effi ciency when processing a given power than single fi xed pitch propellers. The results presented can be useful in the design of ships for various purposes, including ice-going ships. At the same time, the paper notes that, along with effi ciency, their implementation is constrained by diffi culties in implementing a reliable power transfer to coaxial-rotating propellers. It is also underlined that the using of a device that provides the opposite rotation of the rear coaxial propeller when operating in hydrodynamic jet from the front one, will allow the use of coaxial propellers on ships already in operation during their next docking for periodic services. The foregoing can serve as one of the ways to increase the profi tability from the operation of ships for ship owners.
Keywords: propeller efficiency, counter-rotating coaxial propellers, propeller load, fixed pitch propeller, forward fi xed pitch propeller, rear fixed pitch propeller


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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