UDK: 629.524:629.12.001


Цыварев М. В., Ветлугина А. С.

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Article language: английский


The article deals with the issues of the technological complex for manufacturing the hull of a small vessel, obtained by hand molding three-layer composite sandwich structures with extruded polystyrene foam ller (XPS). The purpose of the work is to study the emerging problems, issues, patterns, rules and norms of the process of building the hull of a small vessel. The objectives of the proposed study, revealing its purpose, are the following: presentation of previously obtained calculated and experimental results for work on the molding and assembly of the ship’s hull; development of a technique for assembling a hull using composite technology with layer-by-layer application of shells and ller; comparative analysis of the labor intensity of manufacturing ship hulls using traditional and composite technologies; study of the issues of the slipway period of building the hull after the completion of work on the molding of the hull. The main or basic methods for solving problems include: well-known fundamentals in shipbuilding technology, ship repair, ship optimization, technical and economic analysis, materials science, etc.; information about the production of marine equipment objects by composite manufacturing from layered composite materials (CM); results of own calculations and experiments for the production of the hull of a small size vessel by manual molding on a block; well-known industry regulations and standards for working with berglass in shipbuilding. The technique of manufacturing the hull of a small vessel, the necessary preliminary computational-analytical and experimental studies to create a nite element model of the ships being manufactured, the analysis of the labor intensity of manufacturing the hull using composite and traditional technologies are considered.
Keywords: composite materials, hand molding, shipbuilding, ship repair, marine equipment, small boats, shipbuilding technology, composite sandwich panel, extruded polystyrene foam


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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