UDK: 629.12.037.14


Яковлев А. Ю., Белая А. Б.

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Article language: английский


Simplified engineering methods for evaluating propulsor characteristics are traditionally used for the design and development of ducted propulsors. In particular, the method of boundary integral equations and the actuator disk model are used. Accounting of losses in the propulsion channel is carried out using the data presented in the engineering handbook. It is proposed in the present paper to use CFD-modeling of the propulsor channel flow to clarify the estimation of losses obtained by simplified ratios. It is submeeted the CFD-modeling must fulfilled at one operating mode only. The actuator disk model is used as a thrust source in CFD-modeling. The paper presents the results of calculating losses in the channel determined by the traditional way and using CFD-calculation. It is shown that the refinement of the loss value leads to a change in the flow mode through the propulsor. It should be taken into account in the design calculation.
Keywords: propulsion, ring duct, actuator disk, pressure loss, CFD-calculation, engineering calculation method


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