UDK: 621.771.237:669.14.018.41


Куртева К. Ю.

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Article language: английский


The change in mechanical properties and structures by the thickness of sheet rolling of 15, 50 and 60 mm from a low-carbon low-alloy steel chromium -nickel-molibdenum composition of the alloy with near chemical composition and manufactured by technology - hardening with high tempering. Testing for stretching samples selected from the surface of a thick rolled and blow-bending test at low temperatures of samples selected from the surface and the middle of the sheet metal. Studies of the sheet metal structure were carried out by the methods of optical microscopy on thin section made from the surface and the middle of the sheet metal and by the methods of translucent electron microscopy in foils made from samples selected from the surface and the middle of the sheet metal. It is shown that an increase in the thickness of the steel of one composition does not affect the phase composition, but affects to a change in the percentage of phase components and a decrease in the strength characteristics of the sheet metal. A change in the chemical composition of steel affects to a change in the phase composition, but does not affect the mechanical properties of the sheet metal. Recommendations are also given on the expansion of the variety of rolling thickness of more economical steel 2.
Keywords: thick-sheet rolling, low-carbon low-alloy cold-resistant steel, microstructure, heat treatment, mechanical properties, dislocation rack martensite, granular bainite, rack bainite


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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