UDK: 629.12


Сухоруков А. Л., Титов М. А., Коваль К. А.

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Article language: английский


Based on computational uid dynamics methods a comparative analysis of hydrodynamic characteristics and motion parameters was performed for an underwater disk shaped glider with basic and modi ed hull shape in this work. The main di erence between basic and modi ed hull shape is occurrence of pro led annular groove on the body in modi ed version. The existence of this element contributes to reduce the value of the overturning moment and increase the damping moment which improves the stability parameters of the glider in the vertical plane for regimes with close to optimal values of angle of attack while motion of basic version of glider characterizes by autooscillation of motion parameters in this regime. Maneuvering of glider realized by using the mechanisms of changing buoyancy and ne trim. In this work is shown that operating the ne trim mechanism make possible optimization of angle of attack. The patterns of working for the mechanisms of changing buoyancy and ne trim was de ned, these patterns ensure the stable regimes of disk shape glider’s maneuvering by depth and heading. The numerical method for simulation of glider’s motion based on calculating of hydrodynamic forces and moments during the body motion was developed. So, the equations of uid dynamics and the equations of body motion are solving simultaneously. The results obtained by this method have a good agreement with data, calculated by classic approach based on using hydrodynamic characteristics for approximation of dependence hydrodynamic forces and moments on angle of attack. Application of this approach will make possible to investigate disk shaped glider’s motion in conditions of liquid strati cation and internal waves.
Keywords: glider, motion stability, three-dimensional maneuvering, excessive buoyancy, hydrodynamic characteristics, angle of attack, hydrodynamic quality


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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