UDK: 629.


Семенова В. Ю., Захаров В. А.

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Article language: английский


The article considers a three-dimensional potential problem of the longitudinal pitching of vessels in a channel of limited depth. Its solution is based on the methods of integral equations and mirror images. The number of works devoted to the study of the longitudinal pitching of a vessel in a channel of limited depth is very limited. The article analyzes the existing works on the methods of studying the pitching of a vessel in a channel of limited depth and parallel to a vertical barrier. It includes works by both domestic and foreign authors. Researches will be conducted on the dependence of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of longitudinal pitching and wave drift forces for vessel when it is in the channel. In the process of researches, various values of the ratio of the channel width to the width of the vessel will be considered, with different ratios of the channel depth to the draft of the vessel. Influence on the listed speed characteristics. As well as the influence of the channel walls on the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the longitudinal pitching and on the forces of wave drift.
Keywords: longitudinal pitching, pitching in the channel, channel of limited depth, Green ‘s function, amplitude-frequency characteristics of pitching


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