UDK: 004.900


Куличкова Е. А., Забродин В. П., Козлов В. А.

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Article language: английский


The development of new technology involves the solution of a large number of engineering and organizational problems. The first priority is the methodological task: the definition of the design concept. There are many concepts that contain models that differ in composition and algorithm of actions. Based on the analysis of data from different authors, a classification of concepts and design models was carried out. This allows you to determine the restrictions and conditions for their application in the development of specific technical objects. The paper provides a description, content and sequence of actions in the implementation of various models. Including considered the most modern and innovative approach to design from the Boeing Company. It describes the cyber physical concept, which is based on the integration of virtual and physical processes. It is determined that in each case it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the project and adapt the model to it. This will significantly reduce the risks of cost overruns and non-compliance with the project schedule, as well as improve the quality of results.
Keywords: design, systems engineering, digital twin, waterfall model, spiral model, V-model


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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