UDK: 629.12:539.433
Гежа Д. В.,
Боборыкина Н. Д.,
Мелконян А. Л.
Article language: английский
To obtain a mathematical model of the problem, we used the approach developed by the authors to take into account the rotation of the disk. When implementing the method, the disk
rotation is taken into account by introducing an additional load in the form of gyroscopic moments due to rotation. To develop an algorithm for solving the problem, a discrete version of the partial response method developed by V. S. Chuvikovskii was used. According to
the developed algorithm, a calculation program was written, which is a modification of the
previously created Rahmen program. The updated program allows you to quickly and clearly
from a unified position (using graphical representations familiar when calculating beams) to
obtain vibration parameters (distribution along the axis of the shafting of the amplitudes of
linear and angular displacements, internal forces and support reactions) when solving the
problem of steady-state forced vibrations of the shafting, with a massive disk at the end rotating at a constant angular velocity. Accounting for the rotation of a massive disk at one of the
ends in the developed program is performed automatically when calculating the vibration
parameters of the modified model. A series of calculations was performed using the analytical method, using the Ansys software package, as well as a series of calculations using the
developed program. A comparative analysis of three solutions was carried out, an assessment
of the efficiency and effectiveness of the developed program and method was carried out.
Keywords: mathematical model, disk rotation, critical speeds, forced vibrations, shafting.
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