UDK: 629.12:504.054.064


Волков А. А., Рогозин А. В., Черкаев Г. В.

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Article language: английский


The article discusses the main systems for reducing emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere from ships, the conditions under which they must be used, the areas in which they are used, the advantages and disadvantages of each system, the analysis of the possibility of using such systems as part of deep heat recovery systems to increase energy efficiency. The obtained results of calculations are presented for various layouts of the deep heat recovery system, which include a cooler for the flue gas recirculation system. Based on the data obtained, an analysis is made of the feasibility of various layouts, the possibility of further development of such systems, and the dependence on various factors.
Keywords: deep disposal system, emissions, limitation, possibility of application.


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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