UDK: 629.12.037


Румб В. К., Ян М. Н.

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Article language: английский


The initial dependencies for predicting the durability of deadwood bearings by the wear criterion are given, which are basically based on the equation of wear dynamics, the hydrodynamics of the oil layer, the theory of random processes and simulation modeling. Their combination allows you to take into account the influence of a large number of factors on the wear process, many of which are uncertain in nature. Due to the unequal influence of these factors, bearing wear scenarios can differ significantly from each other, which ultimately leads to a variation in the durability of even bearings of the same type. It is from the position that the durability of the bearing is a random variable that the sequence of implementation of these dependencies is reflected. In addition, it is proposed to evaluate durability not by the average value of operating time, but by gamma percentage resource.
Keywords: marine machinery, endurance, safety margin, fatigue curve equation, damage summation hypothesis, durability, rowing shaft.


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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