UDK: 621.002.3


Соловьев А. А.

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Article language: английский


The paper considers the dependence of the strength growth of the polymer matrix on the sintering temperature. The assumptions are confirmed that at the stage of strength growth, the angle of inclination of the straight line depends linearly on temperature and a constant parameter due to the characteristics of the polymer acts as a proportionality coefficient. A dependence graph describing the linear growth of strength in the coordinates “tensile strength – sintering time” is constructed. It is verified that at the stage of the decrease in the strength of the polymer matrix in time, there is a linear dependence. Only in this case, a free term of the linear equation of the straight line appears, indicating that the strength drop does not begin with a zero value and not with a zero reference.
Keywords: polyamide, polyamide matrix, adhesive strength, tensile strength, strength change, strength growth rate, temperature, fracture.


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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