UDK: 629.12


Verbitsky S. V, Осипов М. В., Присич Н. Д., Ореховский Н. С.

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Article language: English


This article is about the concept of ice-resistant semi-submersible drilling rig (SSP) for the Arctic. The main idea of the concept is to extend the navigation period due to the possibility of towing the SSP in ice. Relatively light ice reinforcements will make it possible to tow the SSP when moving behind retreating, melting ice, increasing the navigation period mainly due to early arrival of the SSP at the point. The SSP construction has four stabilizing columns, without cross-links crossing the waterline, and a fifth, central column to protect the riser from five columns of the platform have the shape of a reverse cone, so the oncoming ice will break by bending down, which will significantly reduce the global ice load. The general arrangement of the platform was chosen taking into account the need to accommodate all modules of the upper structure. Modeling of the behavior of the SSP was carried out in the program «Anchored Structures» as the result this variant is stable on the anchor mooring lines in the entire range of the course angles of the platform to the wind, the effects of ice and sea waves. The paper presents a general view of the platform, the calculation of the mass load, the results of modeling ice and wave loads, as well as data on the optimal parameters of anchor mooring lines.
Keywords: semi-submersible drilling rig, ice conditions, load modeling, anchor mooring lines, upper structure.


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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