UDK: 629.564.4


Митюшин А. В., Овчинников К. Д., Франк М. О., Сурай А. В.

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Article language: English


The relevance of the chosen research topic is explained by the high rate of development of the Northern Sea Route, which requires the performance of numerous hydrographic works of various directions with optimal use of the resources spent on it, both temporary and material. In this paper, the prospect of using USV for conducting bathymetric measurements on sections of the Northern Sea Route, taking into account their use on research vessels, is considered in detail. When developing a mathematical model for the use of USV, the necessary calculations and studies were carried out, based on the methods of multi-criteria selection and various theories of research design. A queuing system for various states of the ship-boat system was used as an evaluation method. According to the results of the research, conclusions have been drawn confirming the efficiency of use and the economic benefits of using the n-th number of boats.
Keywords: USV, mathematical modeling, queuing system, efficiency criterion, research vessels.


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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