doi: 10.52899/24141437_2022_01_48
UDK: 504.064.47


Пискунова С. В., Романов Е. К.

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Article language: русский


This article is aimed at continuing previous studies and is aimed at substantiating the possibility of expanding the geography of safe placement of solid drilling waste from oil and gas production safe disposal via compaction. In this study, a sample of drill cuttings was taken at well pad No. 91 of the Urengoyskoye field of the Olympic licensed area, the design of production wells with a stratigraphic column was described, and the granulometric analysis of cuttings was carried out, on the basis of which triangular and rectangular diagrams were built. The data obtained indicate that the research material is suitable for further briquetting by screw pressing for subsequent safe placement.
Keywords: drilling waste, drilling sludge, screw pressing, briquetting, waste disposal, waste transportation, well, drilling


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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