UDK: 347.4


Бутакова Н. А., Евграфова И. В.

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Article language: русский


The shipping business is important for the development of economic activity of any state, since it is the shipping transport that meets the needs of international trade in the transportation of goods from places of production to places of consumption. This article discusses several fundamental issues of the shipping business, including: the causes of the demand for sea transportation; the shipping system and factors affecting its change and development; the subjects of the shipping business and their impact on its development; the structure of international trade; international sea straits that have a significant impact on the development of world shipping. All sea transportation is divided into tramway and linear transportation. The purpose of tram transportation is to provide convenient and economical transportation of bulk cargo. Bulk cargo can be divided into bulk and bulk cargo. The demand for the transportation of bulk cargo by sea is mainly met by the tanker transportation sector. The main function of linear transportation is to meet the demand for regular freight transportation. The article notes that shipping and international trade are seriously interconnected with each other and have a mutually beneficial impact. The methodological basis of the article was general scientific methods and special (historical-legal, comparative-legal, formal-legal, etc.) research methods.
Keywords: shipping, shipping system, international trade, economic activity, tram transportation, linear transportation, shipping entities, international straits, bulk cargo, container transportation


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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