UDK: 678.046.8


Калматаева Г. Н., Сагитова Г. Ф., Трусов В. И., Сакибаева С. А.

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Article language: русский


The article considers the possibility of obtaining fatty acids from soapstock and using them in the regenerate formulation. Soapstock is the main waste generated at the stage of alkaline refining of vegetable oils. The composition of soapstock includes fats, fatty acids and their salts (soaps), phospholipids, coloring substances, etc. The resulting soapstock has not yet found sufficiently effective use, although after processing it is used in soap making, as well as in the production of commercial fatty acids. Currently, we are conducting research on the acid decomposition of soapstock, but unlike the common technology, we do not use sulfuric acid, but oxalic acid. Extended physico-mechanical tests of experimental rubbers have led to the conclusion that it is most expedient to use waste from the oil and fat industry in the formulation of rubber mixtures for the manufacture of rail linings of railway tracks, since when using tire regenerate, the properties of rubbers practically do not change, complies with control standards. Optimal physico-chemical parameters of rubber mixtures were observed at a dosage of 0.6 mass parts of isolated fatty acids from soapstock. Processing of soapstock will reduce the costs of the enterprise for waste disposal, get additional products in demand, which will meet modern environmental and resource-saving requirements. Thus, based on the conducted studies, it was found that the vulcanization and physico-mechanical properties of the regenerate and their vulcanizates with unsaturated fatty acid salts based on the waste of vegetable oil production are at the standard sample level and can be used in formulations as technological additives.
Keywords: vegetable oil production waste, soapstock, filter powders, regenerate, elastomeric compositions


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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