UDK: 531.133.1


Кузнецов Р. А., Кузнецов Д. И.

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Article language: русский


This article discusses the solution of a direct kinematics problem using the example of the UR-5e collaborative manipulator. This manipulator was created by Universal Robots and is in demand in small-scale production and for mixed assembly of has the ability to safely use shared space with people, which makes it easy to automate an enterprise, including a small one. Even an operator without programming experience will be able to set up this robot and control it. The purpose of the work is to calculate the direct kinematics problem for this manipulator. The result of the work will be to obtain a final matrix that will contain a rotation matrix and a displacement vector. We will find this data using the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters. The calculation is performed as follows. First you need to draw a kinematic diagram of the robot. Then, using the rules of analytical geometry and linear algebra, you need to make a coordinate system binding. This must be done to search for Denavit-Hartenberg parameters. These parameters are found using mathematical transformations and the four Denavit-Hartenberg rules. Next, we construct rotation and homogeneous transformation matrices. We can get the final matrix by multiplying the homogeneous transformation matrices. After completing all the steps, we get a matrix that sets the orientation and position of the coordinate system associated with the grip or working body relative to the base system, depending on the configuration of the manipulator, given by the vector of generalized coordinates. The data obtained in this scientific article can be used to program collaborative manipulators, including to create their foreign counterparts.
Keywords: method, coordinate system, angle, distance, axis, parameters, links, manipulator, robot, grip, vector, matrix.


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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