UDK: 621.694


Кожемякин В. В., Левша Д. П.

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Article language: русский


A calculation algorithm and a computer educational program for the physical calculation of a fast reactor with a lead-bismuth coolant have been developed. The calculation algorithm is based on a simplified diffusion theory in the one-group approximation. The calculation of the effective multiplication factor is carried out taking into account the formation of plutonium 239 nuclei and the fission of uranium 238 and plutonium 239 nuclei. The authors proposed equations relating the number of uranium 238 and plutonium 239 nuclei to the number of uranium 235 nuclei for determining the number of these nuclei at the end of the campaign. The initial data are reactor power, coolant temperature at the inlet and outlet of the core, design parameters of the core, and uranium enrichment in uranium 235. The criticality of the reactor at the end of the campaign is provided by the mass of uranium-235 and the corresponding masses of uranium-238 and plutonium-239. As a result of the calculation, the following are determined: effective multiplication factor of hot and cold reactor at the beginning of the run, fuel residence time, specific burnup, mass of uranium 235, uranium 238 and plutonium 239 separated and remaining at the end of the campaign. The program interface and drawings illustrating the program operation are presented. Fuel residence time and specific burnup increase with an increase in uranium enrichment at the beginning of the campaign. An increase in the number of fuel assemblies leads to an increase in fuel residence time and practically does not affect the specific burnup. Working with the program assumes the selection of uranium enrichment at the beginning of the campaign and the number of fuel assemblies in such a way as to provide the necessary specific burnup and fuel residence time.
Keywords: educational program for computers, fast reactor, lead-bismuth coolant.


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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