UDK: 532.3:551.326.1


Гончаров В. К.

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Article language: русский
Citation Link: Гончаров В.К. Ветровой дрейф и разрушение ледового поля // Труды СПбГМТУ. –2022. –№4. – С. 14–26.


Paper contents the analytical model of separate ice field drift under action of wind and current, which velocities and directions can vary during time. Model takes into account the mass of an ice, added mass of a sea water and the effects of wind and current on the ice field in form the friction on its upper and underwater surfaces and frontal resistance on its end (forward and backward) surfaces. Results of the ice field wind drift modelling show the drift velocity exceeds considerable known velocity of the compact ice cover wind drift observed in the Arctic and velocity of the wind surface current. Drifting ice field has the certain kinetic energy that should be released when collision with unmovable obstacle and spent on brittle breakdown of part of the ice field. Volume of formed small ice pieces (fragments of ice field) was estimated by comparison of the specific energy of sea ice brittle destruction and the kinetic energy of the drifting ice field. Paper presents the results of estimation of possible volume of the ice pieces formed as result of collision with the obstacle depending on the size of the ice field and the wind velocity. Developed models and the results of computer modelling can be used to estimate the ice pile sizes near the stationary platforms and terminals on the Arctic seas.
Keywords: sea ice, drift, wind, current, kinetic energy, breakdown, piling


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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