UDK: 629.56


Бережной К. Г., Афанасьева С. Ю.

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Article language: русский
Citation Link: Афанасьева С.Ю., Бережной К.Г. Концепция катамарана на подводных крыльях для экологического мониторинга // Труды СПбГМТУ. –2022. –№4. – С. 27–41.


This work provides the results of designing a multi-functional high-speed hydrofoiling catamaran. The goal of the design is to create a vessel that would be able to participate in oil spills response operations and pipeline damage elimination, carry out various types of monitoring and patrol water areas by utilizing underwater vehicles and other equipment carried on board. The calculations are primarily based on geograpgic and hydrologic data in the locations of oil and gas pipelines that are fully or partly situated in Russia. The dimensions of the hulls and hydrofoils are based on patterns used in designing passenger hydrofoiling vessels as well as on an assessment of the technical parametres of the built hydrofoiling vessels. The general layout of the vessel is implemented in accordance with the quantity and dimensions of underwater vehicles, floating booms, and other equipment necessary for performing the required functions. The obtained parametres and technical data should be specified along with the further development of the design such as the elaboration of details and units, specification of navigation and special equipment, analyze of the modelling results. The most numerous changes are expected in the system of hydrofoils, their dimensions, configuration, and placement, as this is the area where precise information is the poorest. The designed vessels specialized for different tasks are expected to have insignificant structural differences. These differences will be defined by the requirements for the functions and installed equipmet as well as the navigation area and the coastal infrastructure etc.
Keywords: vessel design, hydrofoiling catamaran, oil spills response operations, autonomous underwater vehicles, floating booms, underwater equipment, environmental monitoring


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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