UDK: 629.12


Verbitsky S. V, Карлинский С. Л., Осипов М. В.

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Article language: русский
Citation Link: Вербицкий С.В., Карлинский С.Л., Осипов М.В. Морская плавучая ветроэлектростанция для Арктики // Труды СПбГМТУ. –2022. –№4. – С. 42–50.


This article is about the concept of an offshore floating wind turbine with a capacity of 1.65 MW, designed for operation in the Arctic region. Three variants of the floating wind turbines were considered – one-column, three-column and four-column. In addition, two common types of engineered design for anchoring floating structures include tension-leg and catenary loose mooring systems were also considered. Modeling floating wind turbines under load was carried out in the program "Anchored Structures" as the result all three variants are stable in the entire range of course angles of the platform to wind and sea waves. Based on the simulation results, the optimal concept of a coastal floating wind generator for the Arctic was selected. The structure is a single-column support part, held in place TLP anchored system, providing a stable position of the platform at a depth of installation from 50 to 150 m. As an electric power generator, it is planned to use a Vestas V66 wind turbine, of Danish production. This project is designed to provide electricity to coastal Russian territories in the Arctic region. Main areas of operation: the offshore zone of the Yamal Peninsula.
Keywords: offshore floating wind turbine, support platform, anchoring systems, Arctic region, load, modeling


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9. H. G. M. et al, "Study of Offshore Wind Energy in the EC," Verlag Naturliche Energie, vol. 72, 1995

Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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