UDK: 629.5.035:532.582.5


Гончаров В. К., Требух Ф. И., Камалетдинова М. Р.

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Article language: русский
Citation Link: Гончаров В.К., Камалетдинова М.Р., Требух Ф.И. Параметризация упора гребного винта для моделирования движения судна во льдах // Труды СПбГМТУ. –2022. –№4. – С. 51–59.


Dependence of the propeller thrust coefficient on the advance coefficient within the first quadrant of the operating regime for 3, 4 and 5-blade screw propellers is parameterized in the form of a power-law dependence of the propeller thrust coefficient, normalized by the thrust coefficient for the mooring mode, on the advance coefficient normalized by the advance coefficient at zero thrust mode. For this purpose, the available nomograms for designing of propellers were applied to determine the numerical values of the zero thrust advance coefficient and the thrust coefficient in the mooring mode for various number of the blades, step and disk ratios. Next, the curves of the thrust dependence on the advance coefficient on the nomograms were digitized and converted into the relative values by dividing by the thrust coefficient in the mooring mode and the advance coefficient at zero thrust on ten of the advance coefficient variation intervals. The resulting arrays of values of the relative thrust and the advance coefficients were approximated by a power-law dependence determined by two parameters: the coefficient of proportionality and the exponent degree at the relative advance coefficient. The resulting array of values made it possible to derive the dependence of the approximating parameters: the coefficient and the index of the power of the relative advance coefficient on the main parameters of the propellers: the number of blades, the disk and pitch ratio, also to generalize these dependencies, up to summing up all the characteristics of the propellers under consideration with the determination of average values.
Keywords: propeller, thrust, advance, pitch, disk ratio, number of blades, parameterization, statistical characteristics
Thanks. Настоящее исследование выполнено при поддержке Ключевой программы исследования и развития Китая (проект № 2020YFE0202600)


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