UDK: 581.524.441:629.5.04


Кривоногов Е. И., Любимов Я. Е.

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Article language: русский
Citation Link: Кривоногов Е.И., Любимов Я.Е. Проектирование системы арктических станций контейнерного типа // Труды СПбГМТУ. –2022. –№4. – С. 60–71.


Climate change and ice decline facilitate the development of the Arctic. First of all, this is the use of the Northern Sea Route, which allows delivering goods to the Arctic coast of the Russian Federation, and also significantly reduces the time of transit from Europe to Asia. The tourism business in the Barents and other seas of the Arctic Ocean also has great potential. And, finally, the ice decline will make it possible to intensify the extraction of valuable minerals in the Arctic: the development of vast offshore hydrocarbon and deposits of tin, lead, zinc, silver, etc. To ensure the implementation of these plans, new polar stations will be required. We have developed the concept of the Mobile Modular Arctic Station (MMAS). The station is based on a module consisting of a converted 20-foot dry sea container. This type of container was chosen due to its practicality, low cost of production, and ease of transportation. The refurbishment will include insulation of the container in accordance with GOST 30494-2011, installation of a ventilation system, as well as furniture and equipment. The following modules were designed: residential, catering unit, warehouse, recreation room, special support room, gym and sauna room, work room, intermediate block, vestibule block. A docking unit was also designed, providing: docking of individual residential and working modules, receiving and distributing electricity from an external generator, a general ventilation system, a system for cleaning and distributing clean and industrial water, collecting and processing waste, creating a common buffer zone between the modules. The docked modules form an arctic station with a total area of 260 m². This area has everything you need for comfortable watchkeeping in arctic conditions. In addition, a project was developed for transportation using a lighter carrier and installation of a polar station at the site of operation.
Keywords: Arctic, polar station, container, lighter carrier, Northern sea route, project


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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