UDK: 629.56


Добродеев А. А., Сазонов К. Е.

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Article language: русский
Citation Link: Добродеев А.А., Сазонов К.Е. Роль изучения основ морской ледотехники в подготовке студентов судостроительных специальностей // Труды СПбГМТУ. –2022. –№4. – С. 72–84.


The paper describes the features of the lecture course "Marine Ice Engineering", taught the past few years at St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University. The objects of study of this course are icebreakers, ice-going vessels and ice-resistant offshore structures, both stationary and with an anchor mooring system. The history of "Marine Ice Engineering" and the current stage of its development are briefly considered. It is shown that "Marine Ice Engineering" have formed into a new scientific direction and it’s in the process of transformation into a new technical science now. It satisfies the criteria existing in science of science. This developmental process largely determines the structure of the course and its content, which can be subject to marked variability. This variability is associated with an ever-expanding list of research objects, as well as an expansion of the range of full-scale ice conditions in which marine objects are operated. For this reason, the content of the course is updated annually, and some of the provisions are revised. In recent years, the subjects «Physical Modeling of Ocean Engineering Objects» and «Theory of Planning Experimental Studies of Marine Engineering Structures» have become a necessary addition to the course. It’s aimed at gaining knowledge on the basics of similarity theory and the practical aspect of its use for the organization of physical modeling of marine engineering structures. In addition to the formation of a certain amount of knowledge in the discipline being studied, a unique feature of the course is that it makes possible to «be present» in the process of creating a new technical science for students. This forms in students the image of a dynamically developing scientific direction. It shows the direction in which the acquired knowledge can be applied.
Keywords: lecture course, marine ice engineering, ice, icebreaker, ice-going vessel, ice-resistant offshore structure, arctic transportation system


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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