UDK: 629.5.062.2


Зуева Е. С., Чугаева А. Е.

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Article language: русский
Citation Link: Зуева Е.С., Чугаева А.Е. Системы очистки балластных вод. Сравнительный анализ физического и химического способов // Труды СПбГМТУ. –2022. –№4. – С. 85–91.


The article describes the methods and principles of operation with ballast water treatment systems. The comparative analysis of the physical and chemical water treatment methods also is being provided. The paper deals with purposes ballast water on the ship and examples of the World Ocean’s biological pollution by discharging not cleaning ballast water overboard. Procedural issues and mechanism of ballast water management system also is analyzed. The resolutions and requirements of the Convention on Ballast Water Management, which entered on the 8th of September 2017 year’s, are being considered. Rule D1 and D2 was thoroughly described. Rule D1 involves changing ballast water during the sailing. In the same time, rule D2 contains demanding of installation ballast water treatment systems on the ship and destruction marine organism by their. The principle of operation of the equipment from different manufactures is considered, which methods are pumping all ballast water by two barriers. First barrier can filter sea water by a mechanical pre-filter. Second barrier includes special UV lamps or chemicals, which can destroy all remaining microorganisms. The article provides information about International Certificate, which is an approval of maintaining a ship up to Ballast Water Management Convention. This article also provides description of a Ballast Water Treatment Systems, as well as technique of work is presented. Furthermore, simplified logical schemes of above equipment are considered. The paper deals with differently chemical and their compounds, which can be used as reagents in equipment with chemical method of ballast water purification. Conditions of storage chemicals on ship are described. Reducing expiry date of the chemicals by high temperatures and hull vibration are main points of concern. The article focuses on the fact that both methods of ballast water treatment are effective, but each of them has advantages and disadvantages. The paper provides an analytical comparison of both methods of ballast water treatment, including the effectiveness if their using, the economic factor, the reliability of details in this systems, the accommodation, and threating to health of a crew.
Keywords: ballast water, biological pollution, ballast water treatment systems, physical treatment method, chemical treatment method, World Ocean pollution


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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