UDK: 614.841.48:629.5


Любимов Я. Е., Любимов Е. В., Любимова И. Е.

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Article language: русский


More than 300 types of combustible materials and media are used on ships and offshore oil and gas platforms: natural, synthetic, artificial substances, light metal alloys, the fire hazard indicators of which are significantly different. The specific heat of combustion of most materials and substances used in shipbuilding exceeds that of furniture wood, which is the basis of thermodynamic calculations, as a result, the temperature rises by 100–150°С and the concentration of combustion products increases in the fire zone, the oxygen content decreases, the conditions for extinguishing and evacuation worsen. Many polymers melt during a fire, spread and increase the burning area; plastics are significantly deformed when exposed to fire, break away from the base and quickly burn out, releasing a large amount of thermal energy, the temperature in the room rises sharply. Non-metallic materials, light metal alloys, technical liquids on board are sources of harmful chemicals: cyanides and hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen chloride, sulfurous and sulfuric anhydrides, etc. Oxygen level decreased significantly. Oxygen in the composition of polymeric materials, like air oxygen, is involved in the combustion process, and therefore less air is involved in the reaction than is theoretically determined by chemical equations, and oxygen-free polymers release more energy during combustion. Despite the requirement of the Legislation and regulatory documents prohibiting the use on ships, in shipbuilding and ship repair of materials and substances with an unknown fire hazard, according to specialists from the Russian Emergencies Ministry and shipbuilders, up to 40% of these materials and substances do not have official approval for use on ships and shipyards. It is critical to restore those areas of research at the intersection of the theory of design and construction of ships, toxicology and the applied theory of fire development, which will make it possible to take measures to reduce the risk of release of toxic substances both in terms of their physical and chemical properties, and in terms of the execution of structures from these materials.
Keywords: sheep and offshore oil and gas platforms, combustible materials and media, polymers, combustion products, specific heat of combustion, fire loading, toxicology


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Before: "Proceedings of LKI"


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